🚀Topic: Emerging Therapeutic Opportunities for AI-powered Protein Design (智能蛋白質設計:探索未來生物醫學的無限可能)
David Baker was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking contributions to protein design, highlighting the importance of AI in the biomedical field. We are excited to invite Joshua Yao-Yu Lin, a machine learning scientist from Genentech, to share his insights on the application of AI in protein design and drug development. His research combines advanced machine learning techniques to accelerate drug discovery and enhance its precision.
In this session, Josh will discuss how AI is being applied in the biomedical field, exploring the challenges faced and future directions in this area. He will also share his journey of transitioning from a PhD in astrophysics to machine learning and biomedical science, discussing how he overcame the challenges of learning new technologies and how cross-disciplinary collaboration can drive innovation.
David Baker 因其在蛋白質設計領域的突破性貢獻獲得2024年諾貝爾獎,突顯了 AI 在生物醫學領域的重要性。我們很高興邀請到來自 Genentech 的機器學習科學家 Josh Lin,來分享 AI 在蛋白質設計與藥物開發中的應用。他的研究結合了先進的機器學習技術,致力於加速藥物研發並提升其精準性。
本次分享中,Josh 將講述如何將 AI 應用於生物醫學領域,並探討該領域面臨的挑戰與未來發展走向。他也會分享從天文物理博士背景轉型至機器學習與生物醫學的過程,並討論如何克服學習新技術的挑戰,及如何透過跨領域合作推動創新。
🕘Time: March 1 , 2025 (Saturday)
12:00 pm - 12:15 pm (ET) Networking
12:15 pm - 12:30 pm (ET) Opening, introduction to protein design
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (ET) Protein design in new therapeutic opportunities
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm (ET) Q&A
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm (ET) Networking
📍Place: Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
This event will be a hybrid event. Meeting link will be provided via e-mail. 本講座會同步線上轉播。會議連結將再以e-mail寄出。
🗣️Speaker: Joshua Yao-Yu Lin 林曜宇, MS, PhD
Dr. Lin is a dedicated machine learning scientist at Genentech, where he leverages advanced AI techniques to drive innovations in drug discovery, specifically focusing on lead optimization for antibody therapeutics. Before joining Genentech, he did internships at Google Research and Flatiron Institute/Simons Foundation. He earned a PhD in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, an MS from National Taiwan University, and a BS from National Tsing Hua University. His work is fueled by a deep passion for integrating AI into natural science and protein design. Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/joshua-yao-yu-lin-b8258b116
🗣️Moderator: Ting-Wei Liao 廖庭尉, MS, PhD
Dr. Liao is a postdoctoral associate in David Liu’s lab at Harvard University, where he applies protein engineering to drive innovations in gene editing, with a particular focus on enhancing the precision and safety of molecular editors. Before joining Harvard, he earned his PhD in Biophysics from Johns Hopkins University with Prof. Taekjip Ha, where he used single-molecule microscopy to unravel the molecular mechanisms of key genomic machines. Prior to his doctoral studies, he received an MS from National Taiwan University and a BS from National Taiwan Normal University. Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/ting-wei-liao-b20832106