Academic Seminar

2030跨世代年輕學者 X 玉山青年學者海外說明會

BTBA X 駐波士頓科技組 X 駐波士頓教育組


Do you want to know about the 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program and Yushan Young Fellow Program? Do you want to know how to apply? We will invite the organizer to explain the programs and the winners to share their experiences during the application process. Let us learn together how Taiwan governments encourage and cultivate outstanding young scholars.

▶️ Time:

美東: 2024年12月18日 (星期三) 8 PM - 10 PM

台灣: 2024年12月19日 (星期四) 9 AM - 11 AM

▶️ Place: 此說明會為線上活動並以中文進行分享 ,會議連結將在會議前寄到註冊的email。

▶️ RSVP:

▶️ Reminder: 2030 跨世代年輕學者方案報名期間自即日起至台灣時間 2025 / 1 / 7 截止

▶️ Topic & Speaker:

2030 跨世代年輕學者 與 玉山青年學者 方案介紹與得獎經驗分享

陳緯/Wei Chen

Assistant Research Fellow at Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica

2024 國科會2030跨世代年輕學者方案 (新秀學者) 得主

宋佩珊/Pei-Shan Sung

Postdoctoral researcher at Immunology Research Center, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan

2030 得主

陳秉民/Ping-Min Chen

Assistant Professor, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, National Taiwan University

2030 跨世代年輕學者 X 玉山青年學者 雙得主

▶️ Moderator:

李佳蓉/Chia-Jung Li

Postdoctoral fellow at Ragon Institute, Harvard Medical School

#玉山青年學者 #2030 #CrossGen #YoungFellow #Scholar #BTBA

2024-12-18, 8-10 PM ET

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