Welcome Party

BTBA Welcome Party

🍁波士頓已進入微涼的秋季,BTBA將於11/10上午11點於哈佛大學Lehman Hall,舉辦溫暖的迎新餐會,有吃有喝,還能認識新朋友~

🍁在迎新活動中,特別邀請到兩位BTBA的好夥伴林致中博士和許書瑀博士,透過分享在BTBA參與各種活動的趣事,如何啟發自身在求職路上的soft skills與成長經驗。


🍁許博士在過去一年中參與許多networking workshops,並在今年找到工作,相信她能夠以自身的經驗分享職場新鮮人在BTBA活動中如何幫助建立人脈!




(報名截止時間在 11/3 的晚上11點喔! )

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Facebook: BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association

Instagram: btbatw

Linkedln: Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association (BTBA)

X: https://twitter.com/Boston_TBA


Dr. Chih-Chung Jerry Lin (林致中)

Dr. Lin graduated from National Taiwan University and earned his PhD in Immunology from Washington University in St. Louis. Currently an instructor at Mass General Hospital, his research focuses on how peripheral immune cells influence Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Jerry is also the co-founder of Open Box Science, a former co-chair of the Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association (BTBA), and serves as the current co-president of the Taiwan Film Festival of Boston.

Dr. Shu-Yu Hsu (許書瑀)

Dr. Hsu is a Scientist at Verve Therapeutics, focusing on developing analytical methods to characterize LNP gene therapy drug products for chemical manufacture and control and to support clinical and non-clinical studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of Missouri, where she applied biotechnology to remediate pollutants and developed bioanalytical methods to quantify environmental pollutants and their metabolites. She also participated in a collaborative SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance program run by the University of Missouri and the Missouri State Government to monitor the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate at the community level during the COVID-19 pandemic. She pioneered the use of population biomarkers in wastewater by leveraging modeling and LC-MS/MS. Her work broadens the applications of wastewater-based epidemiology and improves data interpretation.

2024-11-10, 12:15 PM ET
Lehman Hall 103 (8 Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA)

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