Academic Seminar

2022 BTBA April Academic Seminar

  • 你是否對大腦如何進行複雜的決策感到好奇?讓我們一起了解神經經濟學家如何結合決策理論與運算模型,研究大腦單神經元的電生理訊號如何整合感覺訊息,做出選擇,並且進一步開發出模仿大腦的人工神經網路,從中發展精神疾病的新興療法。
  • 所謂工欲善其事必先利其器,有完善的參考基因體才能夠準確的進行基因體序列分析,讓我們一同窺探如何利用電腦運算,更完整、更正確的參考基因體以提高序列分析的品質,並且將基因多樣性融入基因體分析的一環。
  • How does the brain make economic decisions? How does brain-inspired artificial neural network helps develop novel treatments? Come join us to understand how neuroeconomists combine decision theory and computational modeling to study decision-making from single neuron to biological and artificial neural network.
  • Interested in improving genomic analyses using the first complete human genome and population data? Join us and learn about advancements in efficient and accurate computational genomics methods.

  • Time:
    • April 23 (Sat) 2022, 3 pm (EST)
  • Place:
    • Online event via Zoom. RSVP
  • Topic:
    • Economic Decision-making in the Brain: from Behaviour, Computation to Therapeutics
      • Fei-Yang Huang, MD, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge
    • Reducing reference bias in genomic sequence data processing
      • Nae-Chyun Chen, MS, PhD Student, Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
  • Speakers:
    • Fei-Yang Huang, MD, PhD
      • Fei-Yang Huang’s research focuses on neural and computational mechanisms of reward and decision-making in non-human primates. He received his MD and minor degree in Economics from National Taiwan University and earned his PhD in Neurophysiology from the University of Cambridge. He is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Cambridge, where he applies primate neurophysiology, targeted brain stimulation, and decision theories across economics, psychology and ecology, to investigate how decision computation arises from single neurons and brain circuits.
      • Profile page
    • Nae-Chyun Chen, MS
      • Nae-Chyun Chen studies computational genomics at the Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University (JHU). He designs DNA sequencing processing methods that reduce reference bias. His primary work includes sequence alignment, lift-over, and variant calling. His other research interests include genome assembly, chromatin accessibility, and immunogenomics.
      • Profile page
  • Moderator: Jason (Yen-Chun) Lu, PhD
    • Jason (Yen-Chun) Lu received Bachelor’s degrees in Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University and M.S./ Ph.D. in Biological Engineering from Cornell University. Currently he works as research fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital/MIT, and his research focuses on drug delivery, cell therapy in diabetes treatment and mRNA therapeutics.
2022-04-23, 3 PM
