BTBA Special Talk: We are the honor to invite Dr. George Tseng to give us an introduction of National Taiwan University (NTU) - Artifical Intelligence (AI) Innovation Research Center. This NTU-AI center was founded in 2018 and under Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST; 科技部). The Center is composed of two sub-centers: 1). Artificial Intelligence Technology sub-center and 2). All Vista Healthcare sub-center. Please come to join us for enjoying this BTBA special talk to know the Technology development in Taiwan!
BTBA 特別演講:這次我們邀請到台大人工智慧中心 (NTU-AI Center) 的曾柏元 副執行長,來跟大家介紹科技部在2018成立的台大人工智慧中心!此中心的全名為人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合研究中心,簡稱台大人工智慧中心或台大AI中心,包括智慧技術和生技醫療兩個主題、人工智慧技術及全幅健康照護兩個子中心。歡迎大家一起來聆聽並了解一下台灣目前的科技發展!